Our Water Leak Detection Services in Dubai
– It’s non-destructive. We use advanced techniques and equipment to detect the leaks; we’ll find the leak without doing any damage to your property.
– It’s precise. Our method doesn’t just locate the general area of the leak it detects the exact location, so we won’t have to dig around for the problem.
– It saves you money and time. Our leak detection dubai services are fast, non-invasive, and non-destructive. It allows us to pinpoint leaks without the hassle and expense of digging up your property.
– Leak Detection Services – Leak Detection Dubai

About our Water Leak Detection Dubai-UAE:
Digital Thermal Power is the first company in locating water leaks not only in Dubai & UAE but the entire region. With DTP’s advanced Water leak Detection Services and tools, the fundamental cause of the water leaks problem that you are facing will undoubtedly be found in the real time; whether it is already a decade problem or just new.
As for the water leak statistics, more than 10 percent of the UAE’s precious water supply wasted per a reliable source. Most of the buildings have water leak problem, and this means high water consumption.
Benefits of identifying Water Leakage as early as now:
✔ Property damaged is Reduction
✔ Reduction in liability
✔ Pinpoint instantly your humid area
✔ Established the repair priorities based on our report classification
Why should Infrared Thermal Inspection be your first choice for Water Leak Detector?
Thermography Inspection is a breakthrough tool used to locate accurately trapped moisture within a commercial roofing assembly. The thermography inspection technique can be efficiently used on all types of a roofing system including the low slope roofing system. During the sunny day, the sun radiates its thermal energy into the roofing system where heat is being transferred equally to a different part of the roof. In the evening or after sunset, the roof radiates back this heat. This process is known as cooling by radiation. During this process, the area of the ceiling which is wet or of a higher mass will maintain the stored here for a longer duration compared to that of lower mass or dry areas.
Thermography inspection can quickly detect the warmer, high mass areas, during the process of the cooling process, or heat dissipation form the roof. It is a drastically an ideal way to quickly detect any trapped moisture location which can lead to significant problems in your facility.
Thermography inspection or infrared inspection is a proven scientific methodology, for evaluating roofing moisture position. Our team will provide you with a detailed and comprehensive report to protect your facility form any damage.
Other Areas we Inspect for Water Leak?
We can manage to detect damages, find the faulty part in no time and leaks through first-hand inspection, with our innovative tools and powerful team. We can provide you detailed and comprehensive report that you can use for repairing the damages for your facility.
✔ District Cooling Chilled Water Pipes
✔ Fire Lines Leakage
✔ Utility Water Line Leaks
✔ Tanks Leaks
✔ Pipes and Valves Leak
✔ Building Civil/ MEP Leaks
✔ Underground Leaks
✔ Landscape Leaks
✔ Exterior Building Leaks
✔ Villas, Apartments or any Home Leakage
The Water Leakage Thermal Inspection also for Swimming Pool Leaks. We will Help you to Fix a Leak in your Swimming Pool.
✔ Vinyl Pool
✔ Fiberglass Pool
✔ Concrete Pool
✔ Inground Swimming Pool
✔ Swimming Pool
✔ Jacuzzi
✔ Roof Top
A Non-Destructive Test for Your Pool Repair Services?
Thermography Inspection is a Non-Destructive Test or No-Contract testing, where there is no need to schedule any planned shutdown. It is testing your equipment, under standard loads and any of the operating conditions. The most intelligent benefits of thermography test are to have the test in a short span of time that will drastically help you out to track your problems even after when they stop since it is following their thermal pattern. Our Digital Thermal Power report is one of an additional differentiator, where we can deliver the report in several ways. The standard traditional paper, or a soft copy and specifically our innovative mobile application that can empower your team and minimize they are follow-up time. It was proven to save 40% of the maintenance team time annually, especially when it comes to thermography inspection.