Ultrasonic Testing Overview:
Ultrasonic testing is one of the most common non-destructive, non- invasive testing methods performed on industrial equipment. This measurement detects the ultrasonic emission caused by turbulence or friction emitted by pressurized gas leaks, HV and LV electric components, valves, steam traps and bearings.
The UT inspection system consists of a display unit, a transducer, and right earphones.
Using a technology called “heterodyning,” the ultrasound system can convert non-audible high-frequency signals into audible sounds that can be interpreted by the inspector and then analyzed using specific software.
Compressed air/gas leaks can be easily detected, and the loss evaluated.
Electrical discharges like Corona effect, tracking and arching won’t be any more a bad surprise.
Leaking valves and malfunctioning steam traps can be found and fixed, therefore avoiding significant energy losses.
Bearing lubrication and condition can be assessed to allow a quick and reliable reaction to any weak signal of a defect.
Kinds of Ultrasonic Testing
✔ Compressed Air / Compressed Gas Leak Detection
✔ Valve Leakage Detection
✔ Steam Traps Leakage Detection