
The FIRST RESPONDER Supports Fire Protection in Waste Bunkers

Solid waste management is a crucial sector in our consumer society. It is an AED 5.8 – billion-industry and growing as more regions experience positive economic growth and prosperity and consequently produce more household waste. At the same time, legitimate environmental concerns push for increasingly streamlined waste disposal, treatment, neutralization, and recycling process. The waste has to be gathered, stored, and processed. As supply (in this case, places for storage or processing of waste) is scarce and demand is increasing, economic laws of market and efficiency increasingly apply to waste management.)

How Thermography helps in preventing FIRES

Waste incineration plants are subject to fire safety regulations since it can cause danger to the environment and its residents. Thus, Digital Thermal Power offers its thermographic solution FIRST RESPONDER is a solution developed for early firefighting detection for special needs in the waste and power industry on the operation of waste bunkers. The application of the FIRST RESPONDER reduces the danger of the fire in the waste bunkers and, therefore, the escape of toxic gases.

A fully remote-controlled solution from the bunker control room or the crane cockpit enables flexible work for plant operators. When necessary, they are additionally supported by a camera for a better orientation. Critical temperature areas can be displayed directly in the visual image. The infrared camera itself is enclosed in a robust housing with a blow-off system for the camera lens and, therefore, can also operate under adverse ambient conditions.



How does it work?

  • Continuous display of current thermal images of all sections
  • Simultaneous display of the live image
  • Camera& system status indication
  • Recording of maximum, minimum & average temperature of each section
  • Single or multiple-camera system available
  • Graphics of temperature-time profile of all sections – Logging of operations
  • Filing of image data
  • Integrated with fire alarm detectors
  • Detecting and marking sources of interference,e.g A wheel loaders

The first Responder ever solution developed locally in UAE to help to monitor safety in first any waste bunker and it is equipped with FLIR thermal camera therefore the sensitivity and measurement accuracy are excellent. But above all, there is no need for a camera with a cooled detector for such applications as waste bunker inspections: the first responder is compatible with an uncooled detector and needs virtually no specific maintenance. And that makes infrared monitoring of waste processing as well as in many other industrial applications affordable.